Our Family Blog

It's Obamanation time!

Well, first let me say that I voted for the other guy.  I read Obama's speech today and was impressed with a few things and disapponted by others.  First I think he was laying the ground work for his upcoming 'failures' by stating how sorry the state of union is that he has inheireted.  He also stated that he would promote a quick and responsible withdrawl from Iraq which to me is telling those bad elements in Iraq to simply lay low, pretend all is good and as soon as the troops our gone, there will be a huge power vacumn that they will then fill.   I see Iraq being ran by islamic terrorist before Obama's term is done.

On a good note, I expected him to have lots to say about the history he is making by being the first African American president but he only had one small paragraph in the speech dedicated to that.   I glad to see he did not make this a racial inaugruation but a presidential one.

Mr Bush is leaving office quitely and with dignity.   An NPR report this morning was commending him on doing so and noted that when the Clinton administration left office, there was over $15,000 worth of damage to the offices and computers.   I think he should have at least replaced the Secretary of State's chair with a toilet bowl!  But, alas, he took the high road.

I'm hoping the email notification process will be working soon.  I think I've figured it out.  We'll know soon.

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